Bovi Oestrus

Product improving reproduction rates.

  • improvement of ovarian function: beta-carotene
  • improving the secretory function of the corpus luteum: omega-3 acids
  • high content of vitamins + fat for their good use


BOVI OESTRUS is a source of ingredients that favorably influence the manifestation of oestrus symptoms and ovarian development. The product is intended for cows with problems with heat detection and insemination efficiency. Due to the content of linseed oil, which is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, BOVI OESTRUS contributes to the faster development of ovaries in the event of their malfunction, it also has a positive effect on the secretory function of the corpus luteum, which helps maintain pregnancy by prolonged secretion of progesterone.

How to use

administer 100g of product with feed for 5 days before the expected oestrus date to strengthen its effect and for cows with ovarian malfunction. In cows with no oestrus symptoms, give 50g daily until symptoms occur.

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Bovi Oestrus

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Bovi Oestrus

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