Over Max Hoof Bath
Specialist concentrate for hoof baths, limiting the occurance of lameness.
- Based on glutaraldehyde and methyl salicylate, which have bactericidal, antiviral and fungicidal activity
- Supports the healing process of skin inflammation
- Allows you to control and limit the number of lames in the herd
OVERmax hoof bath, due to its unique composition of active ingredients, has antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal properties. The product improves hoof health. The glutaraldehyde contained in the preparation prevents spreading of infections, while methyl salicylate shows strong anti-inflammatory effect. Regular use of OVERmax hoof bath preparation allows to keep hooves of animls in good shape. The product adheres adequately to corner of the hoof ensuring a long-lasting effect.
How to use
Prepare a 2-5% solution of Over Max Hoof bath and fill a bathtub. Prepared solution should not be used longer than 2 days, for no more than 150 animals. Repeat the treatment once a week.